beating是什么意思? beating翻译(中文英文):挫败, 打, 敲打…《抓鸟》英语词典 您所在的位置:网站首页 take a beating翻译 beating是什么意思? beating翻译(中文英文):挫败, 打, 敲打…《抓鸟》英语词典

beating是什么意思? beating翻译(中文英文):挫败, 打, 敲打…《抓鸟》英语词典

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beating[՝bi։tiŋ] v. 挫败 n. 打, 敲打

英文解释 名词: 1. the act of overcoming or outdoing2. the act of inflicting corporal punishment with repeated blows   + 动词: 3. come out better in a competition, race, or conflict;  相似  "Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship";    "We beat the competition";    "Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game"4. give a beating to; subject to a beating, either as a punishment or as an act of aggression;    "Thugs beat him up when he walked down the street late at night";    "The teacher used to beat the students" 5. hit repeatedly;    "beat on the door";    "beat the table with his shoe" 6. move rhythmically;  例子  "Her heart was beating fast" 7. shape by beating;    "beat swords into ploughshares" 8. make a rhythmic sound;    "Rain drummed against the windshield";    "The drums beat all night" 9. glare or strike with great intensity;    "The sun was beating down on us" 10. move with a thrashing motion;    "The bird flapped its wings";    "The eagle beat its wings and soared high into the sky" 11. sail with much tacking or with difficulty;    "The boat beat in the strong wind" 12. stir vigorously;    "beat the egg whites";    "beat the cream" 13. strike (a part of one's own body) repeatedly, as in great emotion or in accompaniment to music;    "beat one's breast";    "beat one's foot rhythmically" 14. be superior;    "Reading beats watching television";    "This sure beats work!" 15. deprive somebody of something by deceit;    "The con-man beat me out of $50";    "This salesman ripped us off!";    "we were cheated by their clever-sounding scheme";    "They chiseled me out of my money" 16. make a sound like a clock or a timer;    "the clocks were ticking";    "the grandfather clock beat midnight" 17. move with a flapping motion;    "The bird's wings were flapping" 18. indicate by beating; as with the fingers or drumsticks;    "Beat the rhythm" 19. move with or as if with a regular alternating motion;    "the city pulsated with music and excitement" 20. make by pounding or trampling;    "beat a path through the forest" 21. produce a rhythm by striking repeatedly;    "beat the drum" 22. strike (water or bushes) repeatedly to rouse animals for hunting   + 形容词: 23. expanding and contracting rhythmically as to the beating of the heart;    "felt the pulsating artery";    "oh my beating heart"

相关词汇 挖掘... 衍生词, 相关词 beating → combat, corporal punishment, fight, fighting, flagellation, flogging, lashing, tanning, whipping, agitate, baste, bastinado, bat, bate, batter, be, beat, beat out, beetle, beguile, belabor, belabour, best, bilk, bunco, cane, cheat, checkmate, chicane, chouse, clap, clobber, commove, con, cozen, cream, create, deck, defeat, defraud, diddle, displace, disturb, drub, dump, eliminate, exceed, flail, flap, fleece, flog, floor, flutter, forge, form, gazump, get the jump, glare, go, goldbrick, gyp, hammer, hoodwink, hook, immobilise, immobilize, jockey, juggle, kayo, knock cold, knock down, knock out, lam, lambaste, larrup, lash, lather, lick, make, mate, mold, mop up, mould, move, mulct, nobble, outdo, outfight, outflank, outgo, outmatch, outplay, outpoint, outscore, outstrip, overcharge, overcome, overmaster, overpower, overwhelm, paddle, palpitate, paste, pip, pluck, plume, pulsate, pulse, rack up, raise up, rob, rook, rough up, rout, sail, scam, scoop, screw, shaft, shake up, shape, slash, soak, sound, spank, spread-eagle, stir up, strap, strike, strong-arm, surcharge, surmount, surpass, swindle, thrash, thresh, throb, trounce, trump, vex, victimize, welsh, welt, whang, whip, whipsaw, whisk, whomp, work, worst, coldcock, lambast, pistol-whip, spreadeagle, tap out, thump out, victimise, rhythmic, rhythmical 近义词, 同义词 beating ≈ beating, drubbing, lacing, thrashing, whacking, whipping, trouncing, beat, beat out, beat up, cheat, chisel, crush, drum, flap, pound, pulsate, quiver, rip off, scramble, shell, thrum, thump, tick, ticktack, ticktock, trounce, vanquish, work over, beating, pulsing, pulsating

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